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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


We do have some wildlife in New York City other than rats. Even in Manhattan. Especially birds, where we have over 400 resident and migrating species offer the greatest variety (NYC is located along a major north-south migration path called the Atlantic Flyway). Being a seaport, seagulls are more common in the city than many would expect, particularly in the outer boroughs near water. This photo of a Herring Gull was taken at Lighthouse Park on the northern end of Roosevelt Island. The blue-green bridge in the distance is the Wards Island footbridge - itself a fascinating part of the city and possible subject of a future post. I think gulls are much like squirrels - animals that are liked and disliked depending on where you live and your relationship with them. Although they are seen as a nuisance to many who own property where they abound, as a city dweller, I see a charming side to them (unlike pigeons). The official flag of Staten Island even depicts two seagulls. They are scavengers, yet I am always pleased to see gulls at close range, perhaps due to their relative novelty in the city. I find seagulls have a certain confident, self-assured attitude when at rest - perfect new York Style ...


Mandy said...

Gulls are like pigeons [and squirrels too in a different sense] you'd miss them if they weren't around.
This one looks remarkably lean.

indieperfumes said...

I agree, they do have that bustling, confident air of a NYC resident going about their day, taking a moment's pause from time to time...

Brian Dubé said...

Mandy - I agree, but I can't imagine missing pigeons - we have so many and they are such a nuisance. Bu I guess if I lived at the shore I might feel the same way about gulls.