New York Daily Photo Analytics

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kristal Palace

Last summer I asked a photographer friend to accompany me on a final pilgrimage to CBGB, knowing it was to close in October of that year. So, on a hot August Sunday afternoon with the city deserted, we headed with our cameras to 315 Bowery and home of the legendary rock club. We were pleasantly surprised with our reception - the person attending welcomed us with open arms, saying that the owner, Hilly Kristal, had always supported and encouraged photographers. So rather than having to whine, beg or sneak around taking harried photos surreptitiously, we were able to indulge and take our time. We toured and photographed the entire place - the bar, the stage, the green rooms, the sound room and the infamous downstairs bathrooms. I never released all the images, so today I am showing a photo of the main stage. The club was a true dive bar - graffitied with stickers and posters, peeling paint etc. I have done three other postings on the club - if you are interested see the list below. The most recent posting of June 16, 2007 was concerning the ongoing state of the club in limbo after its closing, with Kristal saying he intended to move the entire place to Las Vegas. On August 28th of this year, Kristal died at 75 of lung cancer ...
Previous postings on CBGB: CBGB, Gotta Go?, Limbo


indieperfumes said...

Wow, that is an amazing photo. I remember being there years ago, at night, crowded and very dark, being aware that everything around was covered with who knows what stuff but not being actually able to SEE it, so now seeing it in the full light of day confirms my impression from them of how intense it was...

Kate said...

Thanks for the links to your former posts; loved the bathroom photo.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have never seen a place like this before... Of course other great places, but this looks really cool!

Brian Dubé said...

Seeing CBGB by daylight is a real shocker.
Kate - Thanks - the bathroom shot is one of my favorites.
Anon - There aren't too many well places so well loved that looked like this shabby.

Anonymous said...

always enjoy your daily photo and corresponding story. keep up the great work. alot of us look forward to it each day. you are right about hilly's attitude about photos at the club. three years ago we made a trip to the club on a summer afternoon . we met him at his desk inside the door. he welcomed us in to take as many photos as we wanted

• Eliane • said...

I have heard of this place of course but I never get the chance to visit it. I've seen art installations that look very close to your picture.

Mo said...

I remember reading somewhere that Patti Smith was the final performer at CBGB's. The bathroom shot is priceless.

endometria said...

oh, GREAT photo... so many nights in front of that stage, or behind it, or on it... I fee lucky, punk!