Here we go again. It's Sunday morning, so I thought I'd do a nice "easy" posting with a compelling photo. In fact I was worried - how much can you say (or should you say) about purple cauliflower? And not be boring. But this blog has a history of being didactic, so leaving this photo to speak for itself was out of the question. Hence, I thought a little bit of research would be appropriate. However, as frequently is the case, I found a world - the world of purple foods and cauliflower in particular with lots of articles and sites ( is registered). I learned that cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, broccoli and collard greens are actually all the same species, Brassica Oleracea, but are of different cultivar groups. The whole concept of cultivars is fascinating and relatively new to me - if you want to delve into this, click here. I am astounded to have found a site which lists 100 varieties of cauliflower! The purple color, btw, is not dye but due to anthocyanins - the largest group of water-soluble pigments in the plant kingdom and are responsible for the blue, red, and purple color of many fruits, vegetables, grains, flowers, and leaves. In recent years, studies have suggested that anthocyanins serve as valuable diet antioxidants. However, because they are water soluble, I have read of problems cooking and losing the color.
About the photo: I discovered this table of purple cauliflower while strolling through the Union Square Greenmarket with a friend. I had no intention of doing any photography, since I have posted numerous times regarding Union Square: the park itself, the Greenmarket, the Gandhi sculpture, restaurants and the architecture/buildings in the immediate area (see the 14 links of previous postings below). But when we happened upon this display, we were so awed by the color, I felt compelled to shoot and share ...
Postings related to Union Square: Heirloom Tomatoes, Union Square Greenmarket, Republic, Vintage Mural, One-Man Band, Luna Park Cafe, Gentleman Peeler, Flora, Zeckendorf, Reverend Billy, W Hotel, Towers, Metronome, Union Square.
Before I read the description, my immediate reaction was that you had 'adjusted' the colours to create an artistic shot. Absolutely awesome.
Brian, I love the concept of "shoot and share." Has a nice alliterative ring to it. I loved the colour--quite striking-and, enjoyed the information. Good job!!
how cool is that.
Food is fascinating, isn't it? Yesterday at the Verdi Square farmers' market (near Lincoln Center), i saw their little cousins: the orange cauliflowers. They seemed a tad smallers.
Your post also reminded me of an episode of this season's Top Chef: one of the challenge was to make easily reheatable microwave dishes for working moms. One of the contestants used purple cauliflowers (which remained purple). It scored high with the moms who could see their kids eating their veggies easier this way: "if it's purple, they'll eat it"!
I don't know if purple is an appetizing color for me. But then,coming fro New Orleans, if it's purple, it can't be bad. Just add some green and gold and it' got to be good.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
I don't think I'd buy purple cauliflower, the colouring looks unnatural, but then I'm conditioned to expect green vegetables in the main. I'm sure it is in fact nutrionally fine and delicious.
Merci pour ces choux-fleurs étranges ! Je n'en avais jamais vu ! Claudine
Yes, I agree. Purple is not a very appetizing color for a vegetable. When I first saw them I thought it was one of those ornamental type of plants. This would be a little rough on the dinner plate:)
Wow, that's not natural! (But I'd try it; it would look pretty on a plate with some yellow vegetable and some orange thrown in.) Great picture and conversation starter!
it looks quite gross, like some mutated vegetable. no way i'm going to buy that. *shudders*
interesting picture though~
Brian..first timer visiting your blog...and i like it and fall in love with all the photos..kudos and keep it up Brian..and I myself never seen this purple colour vegetables..keep sharing :)
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