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Monday, March 24, 2008


What do you get when you mix the freakish, unusual, unconventional, inappropriate with the beautiful, elegant and traditional Easter wear? Why a New York Style Easter Parade of course. If you have any event in this city, you had better expect anyone to show up. There was no shortage of drag queens, transvestites, eccentrics or the macabre - at various moments I felt like I was at the Village Halloween Parade. In fact, the person at the lower right in the photo appears regularly at every parade including the Halloween and the Coney Island Mermaid Parade. It was quite a juxtaposition with St. Patrick's Cathedral as backdrop. I'm sure many of the themes and wardrobes were not sanctioned by the Roman Catholic church.
This is my third year at the NYC Easter parade and I have featured the more unusual participants in the main photo.
For a series of photos from the parade of the beautiful and floral, please go here.
The parade itself is more of a gathering with the epicenter at 50th Street in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral. There are no barricades or precession. It is quite casual and relaxed. The turnout this year appeared to be somewhat smaller - likely due to the chilly (but sunny) weather. Dogs were well represented (also dressed for the occasion), as well as children, families, themed ensembles and street performers. Here and there you could spot the occasional modest bonnet ...

Related Postings: Easter Parade 2006, Easter Parade 2007, Spring Madness, Peeps, Mermaid Parade 2006, Mermaid Parade 2006 - Part 2, Mermaid Parade 2007,
Mermaid Parade 2007 Part 2, Halloween Parade 2006 Preview, Halloween Parade 2006, Halloween Parade 2007 Preview, Halloween Parade 2007, Halloween Parade 2007 Part 2.


Anne Corrons said...

I also saw lots of fabulous hats, yesterday on 5th Avenue. That was great! Your pictures give a really perfect idea of this event!

Chuck Pefley said...

Brian, you and Ming_the_Merciless at New York City Daily Photo seem to be on the same page with Easter Parade hats. Reminds me of Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the Halloween parade in the Village. Great fun and photos!


Blue Road said...

Indeed beautiful these masks. New York is indeed a city from the manifold colors...

marley said...

Its cool to see the more unusual!

Anonymous said...

Where did we go wrong???? Remember the Easter Parade of years past when people got dressed up in their Easter finest? I think it's terrible that we have come to this debauchery! It's a sin.

RaleighKat said...

I adore your frEAKSTER take. Perfect!