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Friday, August 29, 2008


Today's posting is more about a personal frustration than something that is strictly related to New York City. I have had this photo for quite some time - I always loved this small elegant sign hanging outside the fine tiny French restaurant, Le Gigot on Cornelia Street in the West Village. But how to use this photo? There really isn't anything about it which is particularly remarkable, but it is quite elegant. Ah, there's the source of my irritation - subtlety, nuance and understatement.
I recall years ago have a conversation with an acquaintance regarding the perpetual debate regarding Apple vs. Windows based pcs. Ease of use, graphics or music professionals do not explain much of the large user base - there are plenty of scientists, business people, attorneys and computer geeks who use Apple. At one point I stated that many of the differences were due to nuances in the interface like subpixel font smoothing and that customers are willing to pay for that difference. My friend concurred and make the statement that subtlety and nuance were things all too underappreciated in this country. But nuance is the very thing that typically separates the ordinary from the finer things in life whether it is clothing, food, wine, cameras, furniture.
So in light of a culture dominated by bigger is better, deep discount big box stores, reality TV shows, gratuitous violence and other extreme, in-your-face manifestations of a utilitarian, dumbed down world, let's celebrate nuance today ...


Wayne said...

To Nuance and Subtlety!

Wayne said...

...and Mac.

Naomid said...

And aren't we all refreshed by a little dedication to the details in a giant metropolis? Maybe that should be the name of this blog.

Sharon said...

I loved your comments. What a great looking little place this is. I'm always on the lookout for places that are quiet about their business and subtly elegant.

Anonymous said...

What a contrast from yesterday's post. I can't wait to try it!

Terry at Blue Kitchen said...

A beautiful photo, a place I would love to sit and enjoy a meal. You are so right about subtlety and nuance. I work in advertising. I remember a creative director once complaining that a headline I'd written for an ad was too long. Every word in it needed to be there, and he couldn't offer a suggestion to shorten it without ruining it. But asked me to try anyway. I answered that Dickens began A Tale of Two Cities with "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." and said he could have shortened it to "Times were so so." My CD laughed that I was using great literature to defend an ad, but let me keep the long headline.

Thérèse said...

I don't know if you know Assurancetourix but the signboard jumped to my mind and reminded me of Astérix...I am wondering if...

annulla said...

Wonderful photo - hurray for nuance! Of course, I'm an Apple user, so I guess that means I'm biased toward nuance.

Blather From Brooklyn