Admittedly this beach is in Washington Heights, quite a jaunt from from any place that generally comes to mind when discussing Manhattan. And many would argue that this area is further from midtown Manhattan than many areas of Brooklyn or Queens and to champion it as Manhattan is only to be technically correct. That's fair.
So let me rephrase. This small beach is within the five boroughs and accessible by subway, only a short ride from midtown Manhattan.
But there is no need to promote it, for if you find it a little too far, too inconvenient or out of the way, I am sure its habitués will be quite happy to enjoy this little secluded spot of sand with its rocky outcroppings alone and leave it undiscovered ...
Note about the beach: The beach is part of Fort Washington Park, located on the West Side of Manhattan along the Hudson River. This cove is roughly opposite 171st Street.
What a nice view and the color of trees changing is quite lovely.
But it is in fact in Manhattan, Brian. I know what you mean, though. The first time I went to the Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park, actually slightly further north than this beach, I didn't even feel like I was in New York City. It was so peaceful and green and quiet. Something that often strikes me as funny is that, even with the excellent public transportation in New York, longtime New Yorkers tend to carve out their own little villages within the city and think of places just a short subway ride away as unspeakably far.
A beautiful photo as always, my friend.
Wow, that's so pretty. Who knew you could find a spot like this in Manhattan?
a beach indeed with sand and everything. Gotta wonder how it looks like in the summer
The sand even looks CLEAN...
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