New York Daily Photo started on March 17, 2006 - there have been 1487 postings to date.
As in the previous four anniversaries (see links below), I have put together a collage of 48 photos from the last 12 months, featuring many favorite postings of mine and visitors to this site. I have assembled a wide a spectrum of photos in keeping with the spirit of this website - street life, festivals, architecture, special people, food, vistas, music, nature, local businesses, the unusual, the lesser known and the whimsical.
I have increasingly woven more personal stories and unique experiences from my life both here and outside of New York into my writings, with this site becoming not only a guide to New York City but also a place to share the view from my window. Thanks to all of you for visiting and reading :)
Anniversary Postings: First Anniversary, Second Anniversary, Third Anniversary, Fourth Anniversary.
Of the top row, only one has a link...
Here's hoping you have many more years doing this. We love visiting your pages.
What a variety! Congratulations, Brian. It's a milestone. May you post many, many more!
Happy birthday! Very nice celebration. Congratulations!
Congratulations & Happy Anniversary!
I love your daily pictures and always look forward to them.
Keep up the great work!!
Congratulations! Thank you for a sharing a wonderful New York city.
Congrats, Brian! I've only been reading it for a few months but it's already become a huge part of my life. Here's to many more years...
Congratulations & thanks for the wonderful job you're doing. Your blog is my daily joy first thing in the morning - with a cup of coffee.
- Keep up the very good work!
I was doing a quick write-up on the Waldorf Astoria and tripped across your photo of the clock in the center of the lobby. This is great stuff. Looking forward to getting more into it soon. ~A
Congratulations on your "wood anniversary!" I love so much coming here and read about all your experiences in N.Y. City and of course I am ready to read more and enjoy you pictures!
Fantastic feat! Congratulations!
Congratulations and many many more years of blogging :)
Congratulations! You make me wanna go back til NYC every single time I click in here.
Congratulations! Alles Gute!
Five down, forty-five to go. :)
Fantastic post. I sure miss reading your blog. Been so busy at work doing "you know what". Can't wait for May 12! NYC here I come!
Congrats, Brian. Have really enjoyed your blog and looking forward to many more years of it!
Félicitations !
Wishing you (and us !) many more ahead.
Happy anniversary, Brian! Thanks for bringing us so many wonderful images and stories.
Every pic u post has it's own story, thank you
Job well done cuz, you should be proud, thanks for sharing your brillant work.
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