Here is a view of the interior of Kerb's Boathouse, which is besides the model boat pond in yesterday's posting. Members of the Central Park Model Yacht Club keep their boats there, and there are also radio controlled model boats available for rental to the public. This pastime has been going very strong in the park since 1914, and it changed when radio controlled boats came in for general use in the late sixties. Most of the time children are dominant in this particular area of the park (particularly at the nearby Alice in Wonderland and the Hans Christian Anderson statues), but the serious adult racers convene at 10am on Saturdays. The model boats silently race across the pond with their owners concentrating on navigation while birdwatchers are nearby scouting out the many varieties that seem to congregate in this area. It is a peaceful, quiet, idyllic part of Central Park even on the really crowded and busy weekends. More photos ...
Hey Brian and Lucy, it would be great to see people sailing these boats. Nothing like it.
Lucy, forgive me but I only just realised that IndiePerfumes is you! Luccia...beautiful name.
Thanks Edwin!
Yes, it's a good summertime activity...
Are children allowed to play with these sort of toys?
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Keep up the good work »
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