I see this dog frequently in my neighborhood - extremely striking and handsome. I recently spoke to the owner, complementing his dog and questioning him about the dogs striking appearance. He responded saying that the dog was part wolf. I know little of dogs, but apparently dogs and wolves have a common history and frequently mate. And there are established lines of
wolf-dog hybrids. However, none of the images I have seen look like this dog, so I question the claim. I believe the idea of having a wolf-dog has a certain appeal and cachet amongst some, so perhaps there is some wishful thinking on the part of the owner. But the dog is still quite special. He seems to get no shortage of attention and is quite happy being himself....
Yes, the animal is striking, and yes, I, too, doubt that s/he is part wolf. In Minnesota it is illegal to own a hybrid wolf-dog since they're not very stable.
ps The wolf-dog pup on Wikipedia link is very cute.
he's beautiful! and looks like a very clever dog too!
that is an interesting lookin gdog - never seen anything like it - part german sheppard part collie perhaps?
I think this dog is one of a kind...
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