This is Manhattan facing east towards Queens, shot from the Rockefeller Center observatory just before sunset.
The Citicorp building is at the far left - the lone tall building in the distance just left of center is the Citicorp Building in Queens (the tallest building in that borough). The green topped building in the center is the Waldorf Astoria hotel - to its immediate left is
the GE Building at 570 Lexington Ave. The green strip of land in the middle of the East River is Roosevelt Island. I always find aerial views of NYC so inspiring. The density just makes me feel like everything is there and anything is possible - the New York of dreams, song and film ....
Yes, it is that sense that anything is possible that makes it so special...
just wanted to say that i totally love that you have this blog of nyc. i interned there this summer and LOVED it and plan to move back once i graduate. one of my favorite areas was the UPW...
I love these shots Brian, they convey more than just the expanse.
Bravo Brian, superbe photo, j'adore
Next time I visit NYC I have a strong desire to see what awaits on Roosevelt Island!
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