Grace Church is a Gothic revival masterpiece and one of the "hidden" gems of NYC - off the tourist radar and little known to outsiders. It sits at the last bend in Broadway at 10th Street and dominates the view from the south.
Click here for more photos. Built 1843-46 on land acquired from Henry Brevoort, the Church was designed by 23 year old architect James Renwick (his first commission), who later went on to design St. Patrick's Cathedral. Renwick studied the works
of the Pugins - great English revivalists. Vestry minutes list as an expense the workers from Sing Sing state prison who cut the stone. The church is undergoing exterior renovation work, so I took no photos of the outside. These projects can take some time, however, so I did not want to wait for completion before showing you this structure. For photos of the exterior, I direct you
to the Grace Church site with an online tour. The church has extensive music programs - choir recitals, Bach at noon, Saturday and Sunday organ recitals -
click here for info and schedule. Grace has a beautiful organ -
click here for a photo and
click here for a history. Catching one of their organ recitals would be a great time to visit this historic landmark ...
Grace church est une superbe eglise de NYC (Bravo pour les photos des vitraux) meme si personellement je prefere Riverside Church (J'adore son architecture, et quand la tour est ouverte il y a une vue sur la NYC sublime)
*Whispers* "Very beautiful!"
Translation of Olivier's comment: Grace church is a superb church (congratulations on the stained glass windows photos) even though I personally prefer Riverside church - I love its architecture and when the tower is open there's a fantastic view over NYC.
My own comment: Absolutely wonderful
The church is very beautiful, but the picture is amazing! Looks like it should be in a glossy photo mag.
A very good composition Bryan, nicely exposed too.
Curly's Photoshop
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