The firehouse at 132 W. 10th Street is the home of Squad 18 of the New York Fire Department. This historic building, built in 1892, is admired (and photographed) by passersby for its most notable feature: the baydoor, which was painted in 1976 for the American bicentennial. The vibrant, detailed painting depicts responding firemen. NYC has funds set aside specifically for the restoration and preservation of this landmark.
Click here for more photos. The building was recently renovated - during this period their operations were temporarily relocated to SOHO.
Click here for Squad 18's website with more info about their operations, equipment, members and a gallery of photos and calendar of "runs." The Fire Department has always been held in high esteem for providing an absolutely critical emergency service. And, of course, in NYC, after 9/11, with all the firefighters who gave their lives, their work and sacrifice was highlighted and brought to the attention of everyone worldwide...
That certainly is eye-catching. Wonderful photo, and really interesting description.
definately worth stopping and admiring. great shot brian.
Thanks - it's a beautiful front. And fire departments always keep their houses so clean and crisp.
That looks amazing! There sure isn't any firehouse around here that looks like that!
I wish I could read what it says at the top right....
looks great, like toy shop or ... I don't know ... something for kids.
looks great, like toy shop or ... I don't know ... something for kids.
The top right says "In Memory Of" then a list of names then "We Will Never Forget"
Who is the artist who painted the Bay Door - I cannot find any attributions to the person(s) who painted the Bay door of the Firehouse for Squad 18 anywhere on their website or in any article I found on the Internet . . . When I look closely at the picture, all I can see is what I think is the signature on the right side – JTM . . . Could you tell me who painted the Bay Door ? Was it a member of the firehouse or a Firemen’s family member/friend or someone from the community? Any Information you have about this person would be appreciated . . .Thank you . . .
That is a cool firehouse. I got a shot of it myself when we were in New York last. My daughter got a short video of Squad 18. They were coming down the street, probably returning to the station, when they got another call and went on past. http://ffmitch.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html
I just came across your blog and am enjoying going through it very much.
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