Until I began working on this website, I never paid really close attention to the firehouses of NYC. With so many distractions and so much fine architecture, it is easy to overlook things in one's travels. This firehouse, home of Engine Company Number 33 of the New York Fire Department, at 44 Great Jones in the East Village is spectacular.
More photos here. It was built in 1898; designed by renowned Beaux-Arts architect Ernest Flagg who did a number of firehouses and other city landmarks. From the
Guide to New York City Landmarks: "This Beaux-Art firehouse is one of the grandest small-scale civic buildings in New York City." And like all firehouses and the immediate surrounding area, it's is superbly maintained, giving the whole property a crisp quality. Engine Company 33 had the unfortunate distinction of losing 10 of the 14 firemen who went out on the 911 call ...
Great photo. I love the brick and stonework and the symmetry you brought to the photograph. The sadness of 9/11 is enormous, especially for New York city!!
Thanks - I do tend to lean towards symmetry - perhaps a little too much.
nice building. i like the red colour and the bricks..and that arched windows.
and the roof looks little bit Old Chinese style...:))
and best wishes to those brave guys~~~
shanghai daily photo
I think the painting by Paul McIntyre showing Great Jones Street titled 'waiting on a friend' is excellent. His website with this painting can be seen on www.paulmcintyre.co.uk or simply insert paul mcintyre into the google search engine and he will be the top hit.
Paul McIntyre is a good artist. He is quite popular in England i know that. His New York ones are awesome.
Jenny Hadsford.
We should get this guy over here and have him depict our brave guys in action at the trade centre.
I am so proud of New York's bravest and I think many of our buildings reflect this. 42 Great Jones st and Ladder 9 are only the tip of the iceburg! We have great buildings for our brave guys in Amsterdam Ave, 33 W.43 St and nearby 253 Lafayette St, to name but a few.
I agree with the above regarding the English artist fella - he is good and I,m sure Salvatore cassano would commision him for a series of paintings, but it,s not up to me.
Norma Scoppetta
Hi Norma, just read your comment and I agree the bravery of the FDNY is reflected by the grandeur of the buildings. The Great Jones Street building especially reflects this importance, with its red brick and stonework and the symmetry is truly outstanding. There is a plaque at the front with the names of the brave who were lost at Ladder 9 in the 9/11 outrage.
I hope Nick is keeping right on! Must meet up soon. Oh and I had a look at the English Artsit mentioned - Hey he's awsome. He certainly has a way of painting NY, just love his style. Looks good too!!!
Jiao Li Qiong
The employment of the symmetry and system of proportioning used in ‘The Great Jones Street’ building architecture, gives the impression of a
revived Renaissance or classical features that was prevalent in New York during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This ‘Classical’ or ‘neoclassical’ building has a regular,
formal appearance and symmetrical facades and might also incorporate Classical details such as an entablature at the wall top or pilasters dividing bays. This revival also sometimes incorporated the five ‘orders’ of architecture which vary in terms of the
system of proportioning and degree of the decoration.
The painting of Great Jones Street By the British Artist Paul McIntyre actually shows the Fire department building from the side. Interestingly with his other depictions of New York, he captures an architectural style which was fashionable during the 1920s and 30s - Art Deco. The movement some times used modern materials such as cast concrete and the style suggested modernity, technology and motion. His paintings clearly reflect this and I think this may be the reason, from an architects point, his work is so extraordinary. He allows light to reflect the stained and leaded glass, that gives a feel of the creative and Geometric design of many street scenes in New York..
The Brit artist is interviewed at the British awards in London Town
Ask him to paint more of our FDNY buildings.
Thanks for another fantastic post.
I am rather sure this post has helped me save many hours of reading other similar posts just to find what I was looking for.
Once again: Thank you!
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