New York Daily Photo started on March 17, 2006 - there have been nearly 2000 postings to date. As in the previous anniversaries (see links below), I have put together a collage of 48 photos from the last 12 months, featuring many favorite postings of mine and visitors to this site. I have assembled a wide a spectrum of photos in keeping with the spirit of this website - street life, festivals, architecture, special people, food, vistas, music, nature, local businesses, the unusual, the lesser known, and the whimsical. Thanks to all of you for visiting and reading :)
Anniversary Postings: First Anniversary, Second Anniversary, Third Anniversary, Fourth Anniversary, Fifth Anniversary
Congratulations on your 6th anniversary! Love all your photos and very informative posts.
Bon Anniversaire!! And big thanks for all these amazing gifts!
Indeed Brian - congratulations, the site is a big part of your life and your readers appreciate that.
Mazel Tov!
Congrats on your awesome post! We love it!!
Congratulations once again! Thank you for your wonderful features!
Brian-As long as I have known you -you have always done your best at whatever you attempted-You certainly haven't changed-your blog is great..Jim--P.S. I am almost afraid to ask but the picture of Morgan is so sad--is she still around??
WAY TO GO!!! Congrats galore!
I like that the collection has so many people shots which is (alongside such wonderful buildings) is the 1st thing that comes to mind about NYC.
Ah, yes, I remember them well!
6 years and still finding new things to shoot - happy blogaversary Brian.
Congratulations Brian!
Thank you so much for the interesting stories, the wonderful pictures and all the time you spend to create that for us! Perhaps I should better congratulate the readers on having you ;-)
Gefeliciteerd. Congratulations. Since my visit to New York in november 2011 I'm addicted to your blog. Keep up the good work. Greetings from Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Congratulations from the UK - love your blog. Here's to many more years.
Congrats ! Thanks for sharing all these stories and photos.
Happy anniversary, Brian! You've given lots of New York lovers a lot of pleasure.
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