I am a regular user of the park, long-time community resident and have been involved as a close observer of this process. I understand the viewpoints of both sides in this debate and I think it is important to remember that although opponents see the new design as radical, it will still remain a public park with a very similar layout. A radical proposition would have been the construction of high-rise condominiums in the Park's place.
The battle between opposing sides has appeared large but I do not think most residents have really studied or weighed in on this situation at all, leaving the decisions to the powers that be. The number of voices on both sides are actually quite small when viewed in the context of a community with an estimated population of 150-200,00 people. There are aspects of the new design which some feel will substantially change the character of the park, such as a 4-foot high perimeter fence (to secure it at night). It will be interesting to see if the character or mood of the park, its activities and users changes significantly once the project is completed. Architecture alone does not define a place and New Yorkers are adaptable, resilient and strong willed. My prediction in the outcome of this card game is that the character of the neighborhood and will of the users easily trumps the design ...
the photo is almost abstract with the branches and light and details that look like they are all on the same plane...
It will be very interesting to see how the park turns out. The other parks like Bryant and Union Square that have been renovated have become more popular and useful than they were before renovation. It's not likely that this one would go downhill...
True - but the big controversy here is the usage, which has been a place of performances, concerts, musicians, artists, speakers and socializing. Some contend that the changes will be less conducive to these uses.
Been a long time follower of your blog..can you tell me which camera/s you use?
anon - Canon 30D with a 17-85mm zoom.
Looking at that Nikon D3 - seems awewome.
wow ! nice photos. Now I feel ashame of my photo blog...I am so lousy. lol! Can we exchange link ?
my other site is at
anyway, happy new Year !
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