The ball drop has been an annual event since 1907, making this year the 100th anniversary. The ball itself has gone through numerous incarnations over the last one hundred years. It's earliest construction was of iron and wood with 25 watt bulbs - weighing 700 lbs. In 1920 it was replaced with a ball entirely of iron (400 lbs) and then in 1955 with an aluminum ball weighing only 150 lbs. It remained unchanged until the 1980s, when red light bulbs and a green stem converted the Ball into an apple for the "I Love New York" marketing campaign (from 1981 to 1988). In 1989, the traditional Ball with white light bulbs reappears. In 1995, the Ball gets an aluminum skin, rhinestones, strobe lights, and computerized controls. The aluminum ball was lowered for the last time in 1998, when it is replaced by a all new geodesic design from Waterford Crystal with the latest lighting technology for the millennium celebration - 504 crystal triangles, 696 lights including 96 strobes, 90 rotating pyramids. Read more about this remarkable, dazzling creation and the event here. This ball has been retired and is the property of the owners the One Times Square building. An entirely new ball has been crafted for this year's 100th anniversary by Waterford Crystal with 672 double cut crystal triangles. An all new lighting design was created by Focus Lighting utilizing Philips LED technology (replacing the halogen bulbs of the previous design). With 9,576 Philips Luxeon LEDs, it is more than twice as bright with enhanced color capabilities - 16.7 million to be exact. The ball was unveiled in October and on display at Macy's until December 10th - sorry I missed it. Had it not been for researching this article, I would have been completely unaware of the anniversary and new ball - I look forward to watching the televised drop and hope you do the same. Happy New Year!
Note: Time Balls actually date back to 1829, when the first one was erected in England by its inventor Robert Wauchope, a Captain in the Royal Navy. These were used for sailors to check their chronometers. They became obsolete with the advent of radio time signals. Over sixty still remain worldwide.
Bon réveillon de fin d'année !!
I didnt know the ball had so much history. I will be watching on TV like everyone else I guess.
Happy New Year! I am off on holidays in a couple of hours - where the signal is bad and the time better spent:-) so I may not be around for a couple of weeks. And I'll miss the ball dropping!
Happy New Year, Brian!!
I'm looking forward to more daily stops to NYDP in 2008!!
In a small town near Lake Erie they drop a plastic fish. Happy New Years and CHEERS to traditions.
Hmm I heard about it, but never really went to dig out and read more about it. thanks for posting it up ;-)
Wishing you a very Happy New Year from Singapore!
All this was new to me also. Surprising that the tradition goes back 100 years. Thanks all and Happy New Year.
Interesting post. I do like your photography selection today.
I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.
Happy New Year from Patty and me.
Thanks for your visits to my blog in 2007.
I really would have like to be in Times Square yesterday evening! Instead of that, I was in a little village in France! I guess my New Year's Eve was a little bit less crowdy and exciting:)
Anyway, I wish you an Happy New Year!
I've been once in the middle of the crowd - like you, on the millennium. I can see the 2008 sign but I have a slight advantage: my office is in one of the top floors of the building behind it. We can see the sign from behind!
Too bad you missed the ball at Macy's. It was quite impressive to see it up close. You would have loved it. I have a picture here if you're interested.
A very Happy New Year from the UWS, Brian! May 2008 be filled with satisfaction and happiness for you and yours.
Too bad I missed the ball at Macy's, I wasn't aware of it till now when I read it here. Oh well, probably next year. My friends & I braved the New Year crowds at Times Square but were only able to get to 52nd. Didn't see the ball either. We went home and went to Prospect Park instead to watch the fireworks. Happy New Year to all!!
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